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How to get traffic to blog 2012 methods

Its been the most queried question among google by every blog owners. I am not sure about peoples got the answer for this query.

But I can tell that I havent got answer for this query. Almost every article I do read about this are just to satisfy my arrival to those webpages.

Whats the big deal behind this. Is it that much hard to get traffic to website?.

He is the results of my experiments done with google.

Here I am focusing more on google alone.

Content of blog
Fiirst is every article tells this, I am also not willing to loose this point. Actually content of a blog is king. If you have unique and different stuff, then definitely google will give your page with more weight.

Because no peoples spend time to read junk datas. Most peoples love unique data.

Be creative
Dont start to think like impossible. Creative means try to gather more knowledge on what you are going to write and read others points from discussion,forum, QA sites, where peoples own thoughts are shared. Conclude yourself and write.

Write for humans.not machines
Before people write some thing they always analyze, whether the keyword is already there, what are the additional keywords help to fake the search engine robots to rank first.
According to google 'dont write the article with keyword junk, write for humans. Robots are made to work like human taste. It will act as a human when it crawls a page.thats why it is ranking.

Think future
When doing keyword research,just think whether search engine is going to keep this page till life time in first page of search. When days go, search engine robots will become more smarter like intelligent machines. That time tthese kind of keyword techniques, backlinks may not work. Prepare for the change.

Prepare content practically.
Dont think about others content, just put your own data in a simple way. You may be better than anyone in this world.
The best way is take a paper and write the points you got about the post you are going to write.

Dont fill the article
Dont mis understand this point. Try to write the data which you have. Even if it is 25. Word or less. And because of thinking about search engine and adsense, dont fill it with copied content or anything unwanted.
Best solution is keep the post in draft when you want more knowledge about this one.

Dont be late
If an idea arises in your mind regarding new posting, dont be late. Write the matters some where, even mobile sms window is enough. And make it real at that day itself.

A tip of day
Try mobile blogging applications. Because search engines are giving more priority to that. I personally tested it. Because the chance of copied content,spamming are very will index at that instance itself.

Moat of the people think page rank and other search related ranking things will rate all pages of blog. Yes it is, but even in a pagerank 8 blog, not all posts are ranked that much. Very few pages only come to top.

You have chance
So there is chance for you too, can able to come to top of search with a single unique article. If so then people will start to focus on all your contents. Then search engine matters work.

Hope you will start today.Thats it.  


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